Monday, April 25, 2011

Bird Control in Hermosa Beach, Hermosa Beach Bird Trapping & Removal

 Are birds nesting on your roof, eve, business or boat? Then you need to call All City Animal Trapping @ 877.724.5314. We can give you an inspection, consultation and assess the situation you have and devise the best possible solution to handle and rid your animal problems. Above, we had to trap and remove nuisance pigeons. They were making a mess on one of our customers property. Our customer said it got worse every year and she was tired of it. We trained the birds then trapped & removed. She was relieved when we were done and can now enjoy her deck again. Below, Trapper Devin, Trapper Rob and Trapper Tony built a custom bird deterrent. The pigeons were nesting on the roof and doing a lot of damage. Our techs went out and said the only way it was going to work was if they built a custom cage around the area that was being damaged. This is what they built and the customer couldn't be happier. If you're having any animal-related issues do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to serving you.

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