WARNING: Some of the pictures below may be too graphic for some viewers. Viewer are warned to view at their own discretion.
This opossum thought he would go for a dip. I guess they can't swim

This opossum thought he would go for a dip. I guess they can't swim

We will take care of that

Here he is going to meet his maker . . .

Or rather the back of our truck to be disposed of properly and legally.

A poor crow who croaked

Dead animals carry diseases, it's safer to let our professionals properly dispose of it.

Next a couple of "Whatwasits?"

What was it? We know. Do you? Can you guess what this next one was?

Here is a closer view . . .

He earned his paycheck. That job stunk.

That is it for now. Come back again for more posts later. Remember dead animals can carry many harmful diseases. Please contact us at 877. 724. 5314 if you come across a dead animal on your property.